Galina Herndon's First Snow
Season's Greetings from UxC, 2010
All of us from the UxC family wish you and your family a safe and happy holiday season, and much success in the New Year.
Jeff, Eric, Mike, Ruthanne, Nick, Shirley, Jonathan, Tom, Theresa, Jeffrey, Carlyn, Anya, Christhian, Philip, Gary, Mike, Saee, and Chrissie
As has been our practice in past years, in lieu of sending a traditional holiday greeting card, UxC has decided to donate the money that would have been spent on the card and associated postage to deserving charities in honor of our clients.

This year's picture, "First Snow," was painted by Galina Herndon.
Galina was born and raised in the Ural Mountains of Russia. She studied Meteorology in Odessa, Ukraine; Human History in Zaporozhe, Ukraine; History and Culture of Art in Moscow. For 14 years she worked with archaeology expeditions across the former Soviet Union, digging at the sites and then producing technical illustrations for the published results. She began self-taught oil painting in 1999. Galina is based in Roswell, Georgia.
Picture is used with permission of the artist.