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Season's Greetings from UxC, 2002
In lieu of sending a traditional holiday greeting card, UxC has decided to donate the money that would have been spent on the card and associated postage to the American Red Cross to support the families affected by the "Veterans Day Tornadoes," and instead is sending out this electronic greeting. These tornadoes, which occurred on November 11, 2002, affected seven states, including Georgia, and represented one of the top 5 large-scale disasters responses for the Red Cross during 2002.
All of us from the UxC family wish you and your family a safe and happy holiday season, and much success in the New Year.

Jeff, Joe, Eric, Nick, Theresa, Jeffrey, Shirley, Clark, and Cheryl

The picture above, "Southern Reflection," was painted by Yuan Rong Zhou.
She is the wife of Wen Ze Chen, who painted the picture included with last year's greeting.
They are based here in Georgia.