Uranium Production Cost Study

Pinning Down Production Costs

Given the global shift toward cleaner energy production, reduced carbon emissions, and reliable long-term energy sources, uranium supply is becoming more important to utilities worldwide. Between 2023 and 2040, UxC's Base Case demand rises by 35%, which is a period wherein new primary production will be needed.

Although secondary supplies account for 25% of total supply in 2023, this share is expected to decline significantly to 9% of total supply in 2030 and remain near this low level through 2040. Much of this secondary supply stems from utility and government inventories, which have been drawn at an accelerated pace.

Uranium supply deficits against base case demand are projected to be minimal through 2027 and likely filled through a combination of unutilized production capacity, the restart of mines on standby, and additional inventory drawdown. However, UxC foresees a dire need for new uranium projects to enter service between 2028 and 2040, which will require incentive pricing as the reserves from operating mines are depleted and base case demand strengthens.

Uranium exploration expenditures have declined over the last nine years as many producers and junior miners instead focused their efforts on reducing operating and capital costs in response to depressed market conditions. As the nuclear industry is an important component of the growing clean energy paradigm, one of the challenges for the supply side will be to produce uranium in a socially responsible manner that mitigates detrimental impacts to the surrounding environment.

This detailed cost study complements UxC's Uranium Market Outlook (UMO) and Uranium Supplier's Annual (USA) in identifying where expanded and new uranium supply will come from among 104 global projects to meet nuclear fuel demand through 2040.

UxC's Uranium Production Cost Study addresses a wide range of production cost issues including the following:

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Jonathan Hinze +1 (770) 642-7745