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Season's Greetings from UxC, 2001
In lieu of sending our traditional holiday greeting card, UxC has decided to donate the money that would have been spent on the card and associated postage to the American Red Cross to support the families affected by the September 11th terrorist attacks, and instead is sending out this electronic greeting.
All of us at UxC wish you and your family a safe and happy holiday season, and much success in the New Year.

The picture above was painted by Wen Ze Chen, who is based in Georgia and is considered to be one of the foremost Chinese artists in the United States. His biography appears below.
A Chinese immigrant who paints with a rare passion. His studio, in the woods of the Blue Ridge Mountains, is where Wen gets most of his inspiration for his paintings. Wen's background is profoundly diverse. He started as a young Peasant farmer in China and eventually became a renown professor with a reputation that reached Italy. He followed his wife to America so she could pursue her doctoral degree in Engineering at Georgia Tech. With no English skills, he took any job that was available to help support his family. Wen worked as a carpet tester in a laboratory near Georgia Tech that tested the durability of carpets, walking back and forth all day long. He also worked as a floor polisher, polishing through the Georgia state capitol building. Wen finally achieved his goals of having his paintings represented in the Galleries around the United States as well as learning English. Wen speaks of his new country: "America is like one big classroom for me, it taught me everything, not just art. It's taught me what life is, and love, and parties, and friends. The independence that I've found here, this is my dream. When I become an American citizen, I will be like an eagle flying -- a bird. I will be able to go anywhere, because I am an artist."

Birth date: 1957
Place of Birth: Zhangzhou, Fujian, China
Professional Expertise: Painter, Sculptor, Educator, Textile Designer
Painting Mediums: Oil, Mixed Medium, Chinese Painting, Sculpture