Zirc Reuters Events SMR & Advanced Reactor 2025

Fabrication Market Outlook
Fabrication: The Unique Factor in the Fuel Cycle

A Global Review and Analysis of the Fuel Fabrication Markets

UxC, LLC (UxC) is pleased to present the 2024 Fabrication Market Outlook (FMO), which is the 18th annual edition in this series. This year's report builds upon the significant enhancements made in previous editions as part of our ongoing effort to improve information exchange and understanding in the all-important global nuclear fuel fabrication marketplace.

UxC's team of experts in the fuel fabrication industry have prepared this comprehensive and up-to-date report addressing the commercial, economic, institutional, and technical aspects of this sector. Fabrication's high technical content, need for regulatory approval, and the restriction of fuel assemblies to specific reactors require a unique approach to its market analysis.

To those with little knowledge of fuel fabrication and its markets, this report provides a solid background of how these markets function. To those knowledgeable in the fundamentals, it offers analyses of a variety of its aspects based on decades of participation. To those actively involved in the industry, it supplies updated analysis to assist in developing, implementing, and improving nuclear fuel programs.

FMO Cover

What's New in the 2024 FMO?

The 2024 FMO report builds on the content and format adopted in previous years, and of course, all of the discussions and analyses have been updated to reflect the events of the past year. This edition also incorporates numerous improvements to the structure and format of the FMO report.

This year's essay, titled "Recent Fabrication Market Highlights and Trends," reviews five major trends now shaping the global fuel fabrication markets. This includes: fabricators upgrading plants and preparing for rising demand, the massive shifts underway in Central and Eastern Europe's VVER market, the latest push to deploy Accident Tolerant Fuels (ATFs), High Burnup Fuels (HBFs), and LEU+ fuel, the potential for new fabrication plants to be built in certain markets, as well as ongoing preparations for HALEU and related unique fuel designs for small, advanced, and micro reactors (SAMRs).

We have conducted our latest annual survey of international utility attitudes toward the fabrication market on many topics. Additional supplier insights have also been gained from research and interviews of the major fabrication vendors.

This year's demand projection is again based on the UxC Requirements Model, which takes UxC's proprietary forecasts for nuclear power growth and calculates demand on a reactor basis. The model has been refined to produce even more accurate forecasts, and our forecasts now extend out through 2040.

As in the past, the focus of the report is fuel for light water reactors (LWRs), i.e., boiling water reactors (BWRs), and pressurized water reactors (PWRs), including VVER designs; but we also include updated discussion of fabrication for pressurized heavy water reactors (PHWRs), gas-cooled reactors in the UK (AGR), and light water cooled, graphite moderated reactors (LGR) in Russia (e.g. RBMKs). We also analyze the fuel market for small, advanced, and micro reactors (SAMRs) now under development.

The 2024 FMO report provides updated fabrication vendor profiles, including discussions of their latest ownership and organizational structures, fuel design and technology developments, marketing efforts, as well as future prospects.

In addition to presenting the supply and demand data through 2040, our 2024 report includes specific year-by-year fabrication price forecasts also out to 2040, including discussion of the many factors influencing fabrication prices. Additional detailed analysis is included on regional and fuel-specific markets with specific focus on recent market developments related to changes in vendor situations as well as shifting demand trends.

An updated FMO Reference Document is also provided to make the FMO more user-friendly and to reduce the total volume of the main report. The Reference Document includes portions of previous FMO reports that are considered reference materials and have remained relatively constant over the years.


The Fabrication Market Outlook can be purchased for US$5,500.00. Discounts may be available for existing subscribers to UxC's other Market Outlook report packages. An order page is available for ordering this report.

Standard Features

Chapters in the 2024 FMO include:

  1. Essay: Recent Fabrication Market Highlights and Trends
  2. Reactor Developments and Demand Outlook
  3. Results from UxC Utility Fabrication Market Survey
  4. The World's Nuclear Fuel Fabricators
  5. Supply and Demand Analysis
  6. Global and Regional Market Analysis
  7. Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Prices
  8. Non-LWR Fabrication Markets

Please see our product flier and table of contents in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

For additional information, please contact
Jonathan Hinze +1 (770) 642-7745