GNFI Europe Nuclear Energy & SMR Conference (ENES 2024)

Uranium Suppliers Annual
Supplying an Expanded Nuclear Future

UxC, LLC (UxC) is pleased to announce publication of the 19th annual edition of our Uranium Suppliers Annual (USA), which provides in-depth coverage of primary producers, domestic producers, planned producers, junior/uranium exploration companies, traders, and financial funds. The USA also features a quantitative risk assessment tool to compare primary producers within the uranium market.

Inventories in Decline

Production cutbacks over the last several years continue to limit global uranium production to 71% of UxC's Base Case Demand in 2023. Recognizing the supply-to-demand imbalance, financial-related buyers have taken advantage of this bullish indicator over the last three years through the purchase of over 74 million pounds U3O8, which has contributed to the rapid decline in available mobile inventories and placed tremendous upward pressure on uranium prices.

Advocacy for nuclear power is clearly gaining steam in the U.S. and Europe as nuclear power is now seen as crucial to mitigating climate change. Meanwhile, China continues to push for massive nuclear energy growth, and new countries such as Poland, the UAE, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Türkiye continue to advance their nuclear power programs as well.

While it is critical for new projects to be developed by the mid to late 2020s to avoid a further spike in uranium prices, this could prove challenging given difficulties financing new projects in the current economic climate. Moreover, development timelines for new uranium projects have been notoriously slow in the past for a multitude of reasons.

Preparing for the Future

USA Cover

UxC's latest USA report contains comprehensive data and information on all of the world's uranium suppliers, including production forecasts, operational considerations, supplier/project risk analysis, production cost estimates, mill capacities, project reserves, and supplier/facility summaries. In the latest 2023 edition, 15 junior/exploration companies have been added, reflecting the shift to discovering new uranium resources to meet future demand growth. USA also features Google Maps data for primary, domestic, and planned producers' projects.

Furthermore, USA examines supplier marketing strategies, allowing buyers to understand the capabilities and motivations of suppliers, as well as the political, social, and economic environments in which they operate.

What's Inside

For each primary and planned producer, detailed tables are provided on mill and mine data, which include:

  • Status
  • Location
  • Ownership Interest
  • Nominal Capacity (Mills)
  • Process (Mills)
  • Estimated Reserves (Mines)
  • Percent Average Ore Grade (Mines)
  • Mine Type
  • Estimated Production Cost

Additional information covered on each primary and most planned producers include:

  • Company Overview
  • Driving Force
  • Projected Production Based on Ownership Share
  • ESG Compliance
  • Marketing Strategy

Please see our product flier and table of contents in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

Ordering Information

UxC's new 2023 USA was published in late December 2023 and is now available for immediate purchase. Pricing is as follows:

  • Full Price: US$6,000.00
  • Discount for UMO or UPCS subscriber: US$4,500.00
  • Discount for UMO and UPCS subscriber: US$3,500.00

An online order form is now available.

For additional information, please contact
Nick Carter +1 (770) 642-7745